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What does AMHS TSA do?

Our TSA chapter of VERY active in the State of Georgia. Our members are enthusiastic, freindly, and like to have fun.

Our members have the opportunity to take part in: National TSA Conference in Orlando,Flordia, The Georgia Fall Leadership Conference in Jekyl Island, GA, The "CORE" officer retreat for excellence, Tech Day in Perry, GA, and the Georgia TSA State Leadership Conference in Athens, GA. At these conferences students learn to lead by example, compete in a variety of events, and make friends with students from across the state.

Our chapter also holds socials that may include: The annual TSA homecoming tailgate party, dinner and a movie at the Mall at Stone Crest, Bowling,  White Elephant gift exchange, Skating,  Laser tag, an end of the year banquet, and the list goes on. This year's officer team will be making plans for another year of fantastic socials!


Over 40 competitive events appeal to many students across the spectrum of technology. Events include CAD architecture and engineering, website design, medical technology, film, music production, graphic design and inventions and innovations as well as many other technological topics. 


Students are exposed to leadership learning and opportunities through officer and committee level participation, as well as through Leadership Lessons 

Personal Growth

As students work on TSA related projects, they learn to engage as a team, to accept and give recognition, to increase their knowledge and to help others. TSA provides the structure for a successful group experience, shaped and managed by the student membership with the assistance of an adult advisor.

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